Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Love in this family is always around. We may fight and we may disagree but one thing is for sure, we will always be there for each other. There isn't even a good way to describe it. The best way to know is to be around us and see it first hand. Most think we are crazy. Some may even say weird, but there is never a dull moment with them. I love them to pieces and that will never change because we are fam(ily).


  1. Family is important. Try and be much more concrete in your description....need to show instead of tell.

  2. I agree with the statements you made about family, they are important. I also liked how you said that most people think you guys are crazy or weird but there is never a dull moment. That reminds me of my family because we are the same way! I do have a few suggestions for you though, first, describe to your readers how your family makes you feel illustrate the feeling you get inside when you see your family. Another suggestion is to definitely show more then tell. You want your reader to envision your family and how they make you feel. I enjoyed reading your blog about your family I definitely think our family's would get along!
