Thursday, October 27, 2011

All Hail The Veterans!

This picture strong to me. It has a lot more color than the one below this. This shows that our flag is still held high thanks to all of the past, present and future Veterans of America. The picture is very balanced because there are words at the top and the bottom of it, also the flag is centered right in the middle.  You can see the sun gleaming through representing that we have been through some tough time but we are still fighting strong. The words are short, sweet and to the point.
This picture has more depth to me because there is a footprint right in the middle showing that we’ve been here and we are here to stay. The font should have been bigger to make more of an effect but it still gets the job done. Unlike the previous picture, this one is in black and white. The only color is in VETERANS DAY which makes it pop out. The words at the bottom are too busy. It shouldn’t have the 2007 in the back because it takes your attention away from the rest of the words. These two pictures are alike because they are both in honor of our Veterans and they both support America. Unlike the other picture, this one has a lot of writing on it. I love the background of the footprint thought because 
to me it has much meaning behind it.

" Kick Acts Magazine ." Kick Acts Magazine . Gish Auto Paint & Repair, The Musician’s Den, Tri-State Trash outs, Joe’s Records, n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. <>.

"Veteran's Day." Blogger. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. <>.


  1. Thanks for doing a Works Cited for the graphics. You still have some problems with your mechanics.

  2. Here is one problem with your grammar:

    This picture strong to me.
