Thursday, November 3, 2011

If You Just Want To Chat, Go To A Woman.

Let's see. After watching the video above, 'Why Men Don't Talk to Women', I just have to say that the video could have been in better quality. Also, the message the author is trying to make is that women will only talk to you if you have money because that is all we're after. I completely disagree with that! Although some women are gold diggers who only want your money, that is DEFIANTLY not all women. I care about your personality and what kind of a person you are. I can guarantee you, if you're a jerk with money, i'll turn you down in a heartbeat. I won't bite your head off for saying hi or complementing me. It's a nice gesture. That surely doesn't mean you love me and want to marry me and what not. Some men may say that this is way they don't talk to women but those men just aren't talking to the right ones. If this is your reasoning for not talking to women then you just need to find new nice ladies to talk to.

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