Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Life is My Safari

1.     Mick explains to Jack that MaMa Gombe understands the “energy of Africa” (Strelecky 20). What do you think Mick means? How would you describe the “energy” of Florida or that of your home state?     

         I believe that Mick is trying to say that MaMa Gombe understands how Africa's environment and population work together. The energy of Cooper City, Florida to me is a very small but undoubtably busy town. Cooper City has many people living in it and has just celebrated its 52 year as a city. We keep our community clean and take care of it. Since it isn't a big city, you can walk to both ends of it. As long as you work with your environment, I think you can understand the "energy" of Florida.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Here Comes Trouble


           Hazing: subjection to harassment or ridicule. The organizations that have the most hazing are fraternities, sororities, peer groups, and gangs. The students who are hazed are more prone to having psychological and emotional issues. Depression and low self-esteem are two was it could effect someone who has been hazed. Some ways to prevent it is to have adult supervision at all events and/or greek housing and to punish anyone who breaks the rules of not hazing.

          Hazing is a horrible thing to be apart of in college. Nothing gives you the right to make fun or embarrass someone who wants to join the club or group you're in. I think every student should have to make one poster on each social problem on campus to graduate. That way people will learn a little more about it and it will promote a safe school and living environment. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

To Post Or Not To Post

      Rahul Thadani is the author of the article "Pros and Cons of Facebook". The article is about how Facebook is for good use and for bad use. It tells us that over 750 million people have a Facebook all over the world. He names eight pros and twelve cons. Thadani gives you both sides of Facebook and shows you them with detail.

      Facebook is a good idea. As long as you know how to keep an eye out for the "creepers" and don't add anyone who you don't know. Have common sense and everything works out. It makes keeping in touch with friends and showing your loved ones how you are that much easier. Don't be naive and remember the rules your parents taught you. Don't talk to strangers and don't give out personal information out over the internet.


                                                                      WORK CITED
Thadani, Rahul. "Pros and Cons of Facebook." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2011. <http://www.buzzle.com/articles/pros-and-cons-of-facebook.html>.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

No Means No

This poster catches the eyes of anyone walking by with a mostly nude women in white underwear. She is the only object in the picture so you know she is the main focus. The text is simple and to the point. If someone says no and you do it anyway then it is rape. No matter what. The mood is factual, yet unsettling. The letters are all in capitals, which means it is of utter importance.

This poster about rape is persuasive in a way that shows you that no means no. Rape is not okay and you WILL go to jail if you do it. This will catch the audiences' attention very fast and it does a lot of good knowing that people will be informed, if not already.

                                                                   WORK CITED

M, Mandy. "Chocolate on My Mind: Calls to Action and Cause-and-Effect Posters." Chocolate on My Mind. N.p., n.d.     Web. 15 Nov. 2011. <http://chocolate-dreaming.blogspot.com/2008/02/calls-to-action.html>.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

If You Just Want To Chat, Go To A Woman.


Let's see. After watching the video above, 'Why Men Don't Talk to Women', I just have to say that the video could have been in better quality. Also, the message the author is trying to make is that women will only talk to you if you have money because that is all we're after. I completely disagree with that! Although some women are gold diggers who only want your money, that is DEFIANTLY not all women. I care about your personality and what kind of a person you are. I can guarantee you, if you're a jerk with money, i'll turn you down in a heartbeat. I won't bite your head off for saying hi or complementing me. It's a nice gesture. That surely doesn't mean you love me and want to marry me and what not. Some men may say that this is way they don't talk to women but those men just aren't talking to the right ones. If this is your reasoning for not talking to women then you just need to find new nice ladies to talk to.