Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Here Comes Trouble


           Hazing: subjection to harassment or ridicule. The organizations that have the most hazing are fraternities, sororities, peer groups, and gangs. The students who are hazed are more prone to having psychological and emotional issues. Depression and low self-esteem are two was it could effect someone who has been hazed. Some ways to prevent it is to have adult supervision at all events and/or greek housing and to punish anyone who breaks the rules of not hazing.

          Hazing is a horrible thing to be apart of in college. Nothing gives you the right to make fun or embarrass someone who wants to join the club or group you're in. I think every student should have to make one poster on each social problem on campus to graduate. That way people will learn a little more about it and it will promote a safe school and living environment. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice summary and response. You do have some problems with your grammar, so make sure you proofread your work before posting. This is a public site and you want to come across as credible.
