Tuesday, November 15, 2011

No Means No

This poster catches the eyes of anyone walking by with a mostly nude women in white underwear. She is the only object in the picture so you know she is the main focus. The text is simple and to the point. If someone says no and you do it anyway then it is rape. No matter what. The mood is factual, yet unsettling. The letters are all in capitals, which means it is of utter importance.

This poster about rape is persuasive in a way that shows you that no means no. Rape is not okay and you WILL go to jail if you do it. This will catch the audiences' attention very fast and it does a lot of good knowing that people will be informed, if not already.

                                                                   WORK CITED

M, Mandy. "Chocolate on My Mind: Calls to Action and Cause-and-Effect Posters." Chocolate on My Mind. N.p., n.d.     Web. 15 Nov. 2011. <http://chocolate-dreaming.blogspot.com/2008/02/calls-to-action.html>.


  1. Great job on this analysis of the ad, Lindsay. Keep up the effort.

  2. Very emotional subject that you handled nicely
